Refreshing the browser and sending new requests to the website can help rest the connection and get your browsing back up and running again. The error can sometimes be displayed as a result of a server becoming overloaded with requests - an issue that is often resolved quickly. Refresh your browser: Refresh your browser: One of the simplest tricks that can help resolve the issue is to refresh the browser a few times.There are a number of key steps that users can take to attempt to fix a 502 Bad Gateway error. This can often occur with DDoS protection layers, which block requests from content delivery systems and cause the network to grind to a halt. However, a number of firewalls can often go further than you’d like and inadvertently treat a massive influx of legitimate users as an attempted cyber attack. Request blocked by a firewall: With cyber criminals finding more and more ways to breach corporate networks, firewalls continue to play a key role in stopping them in their tracks. This can just be a coincidence, or maybe driven by a big event, but it can also be a targeted DDoS attack. This is where the server has reached its memory capacity, often activated by an unusually high number of visitors trying to access the same website. Server overload: An overloaded server is one of the most common causes of a 502 error.

However, if you’re feeling up to it and are curious to see if you can do something yourself, there are a number of different tactics that may work.