don't offer the capabilities of connecting via a smartphone device to play DMR radio, Our protocol does whether your on a android platform or iOS platform or PC windows OS or Linux OS you can directly connect to the private VOIP server drop down Into a specific talkgroup your node/link Is associated with & pass DMR traffic as If you was pressing the PTT button on a handheld unit, Ideal If your out of range of your DMR node/link you can log In & still maintain comms with those you was In chat with. It sounds very interesting, locally some of us are done with the 'official' repeater, but simplex can be very challenging, especially mobile.Ĭorrect Admiral Its basically the same as the other networks only In a simplex manor, Instead of connecting a repeater or hotspot to BM or any other network your connecting & linking It Into this network that I speak of!! BM, Pheonix, Northern DMR cluster, The sallop Network & many more etc. Its not a must tho as all our DMR traffic Is passed via our secure VOIP server just like echolink where you can log onto whether Its via a mobile phone or a PC client & play DMR regardless where you might be In the world & of course without the aces & graces of watching your P's & Q's on ham radio, Our little network has been tested for just over 3 year now without hickup & performs exceptional around these parts of the county with access to our VHF/UHF DMR links Its pretty much hard to be without contact with our system whether Its via smartphone application or a handheld radio digital DMR device Its ImpressiveĪdmiral wrote:So basically Mad4radio, this is BrandMeister and Phoenix but without BrandMeister and Phoenix? Very Simple to setup & of course the main factor is having some DMR capabilities to setup such a link!! & possibly another radio/handheld to work Into your link If your out & about or just pottering about around the home etc. I'm from West Yorkshire myself, only recently moved over this way. I'm going to order something to put a gateway together for a bit of fun.

Madman1027 wrote:That sounds pretty good!!